
>> February 22, 2009

"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs" Ansel Adams
It's been three weeks since Mike and I started this "diet". Mostly it includes tons of fruit and veggies, very few grains, beans, legumes, some protein. Prior to this I was eating way too many grains, fried foods, chips, sugar.. not good. I think my body is detoxing. I have been breaking out like a teenager. And have a bit of a ahem "gas" problem :) I have also been feeling kind of tired and headachy. I realized yesterday that maybe I am detoxing. This weekend has been the first time in three weeks that I have had energy and no headache. Hopefully my body is done and I can get on with being healthy!! I feel especially good today. Full of energy, my skin is healing and looking much more clear and the gas.. well lets just say my family will now once again sit beside me :)

Happy Sunday my friends!!!


Toni February 22, 2009 at 7:31 PM  

Might I suggest Beano if the...ahem...problem recurs. I need to do what you are doing. I had frozen pizza for lunch, mainly because I don't feel well and don't feel like cooking, but it certainly isn't what my body needs to get better.

Beautiful capture of the flower.

vsm/whirling dirvish photography February 22, 2009 at 8:54 PM  

I cannot wait to get to where you're at. We started a diet two weeks ago and I'm slowly starting to see results... Its just that is seems to be dragging.

Great macro of the flower!

Memories Of Mine February 23, 2009 at 5:21 AM  

Oh energy, I'd like some of that!

Sounds like you are over the worst part. Hopefully it is all easy sailing from here on.

Keep up yhe good work.

Barb February 23, 2009 at 7:25 AM  

Maybe S.C. isn't the best idea for Mike's birthday dinner. We certainly don't want to contribute to your ahem "gas". LOL Mom xo

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